Designer Vases with Egyptian hieroglyphic texts.

Ancient Egyptian visual forms of structural linguistics combined into beautiful expression of thought to be embedded into object of ultimate desire and admiration. My creative techniques is not limited by any particular technology or material. I often combine hand carving and sculpting with modeling and 3D printing. Each of my creations is a messenger and a message shining light on the Great mystery of Egypt that has been granted for revelation.

Egyptian Text composed for this vase is inspired by zen tarot cards.

This vase is made from a stone-like geopolymer.
Color The actual color may not match the image. Please allow slight color variations for each item to be unique.

"Trinity" is one of the latest works. I consider this mini vase the most successful so fare.

This vase is made from a stone-like geopolymer.
Color The actual color may not match the image. Please allow slight color variations for each item to be unique.

The most important thing in my works is the Egyptian inscriptions. I really hope to interest you in my products and through this arouse interest in the study of hieroglyphs.
Thank You!

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